80/20 rule, commonly known as Pareto Principle. It was introduced by none other than Vilfredo Pareto, a famous economist.
As per his study, it was found that there was no balance between input and output. According to his rule, it is all about 20% input and 80% output.
Getting confused? Don’t be it is not that hard to understand.
However, it is not always about the 80/20 rule. It works like a thumb rule and may vary.
Ways to use the 80/20 rule in your life
You better ask where you can’t. This 80/20 rule can be applied anywhere if you are willing to do so.
You should use this rule if something involves effort, time, and money. It will improve your efficiency, and you will better understand what your priorities are.
So here are some useful ways where you can use the 80/20 rule to simplify your life.
Your 20% effort should be your biggest priority
If you can make a big difference in your life using 20% of your effort, you must concentrate on this.
For this, you have to prioritize your 20% effort. Which part of the work requires 20% effort? You must figure this out.
Suppose you want to start your blogging journey, but you are not getting time to do so. What would be the best way to do so?
Take that time that you are using for non-worthy things, including Sundays.
How do you spend your Sundays? Doing nothing worthy? Use 2 to 3 hours of your time to work on your blogs.
Don’t put all your energy into 80%
If you are about to start working on any particular task, first think, do I really need to put my energy into it and waste my time.
You’ll probably come up with an answer that you don’t. So do something like this that you only have to put 20% here and complete it without much effort.
It will be like a win-win for you. You do not have to work on something that does not worth your time, money, and energy.
How does the 80/20 rule work for a time?
More than effort, the one more thing that matters here is the 80/20 rule. Let’s understand this with a few samples;
If you put 20% of your time into work, it will probably produce 80% of the results.
If you spend your time with friends, it will 80% strengthen your bonding.
20% of your me time will provide 80% of the freshness you are probably craving!
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What time of day do you feel more productive?
I know it is difficult to stay focused all day. So you must be aware of the time you feel more productive and could put in your 100%.
It can be morning time, evening time, nighttime, or afternoon time. You know yourself better.
For me, morning and evening time work like miracles. I can finish my work in half of the time during this time than what I’d have to spend if I work in other time.
Bottom line
So this is how the 80/20 rule works, and if you apply this in your life, it will surely simplify your life.
Time, money, and energy should not be wasted on things that do not require your attention more than 20%.
Put these three sources on something that will bring success to your life and make you feel stable.