Health is a state of total emotional and physical well-being that allows an individual to cope with the demands of everyday life and to function in society. The World Health Organization defines health as the absence of disease and infirmity. However, different people use different definitions of health. For example, some consider it to be a state of mental and physical well-being; others may consider it to be a combination of these factors.
Health is a state of complete emotional and physical well-being
According to the World Health Organization, health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Being in good health can improve a person’s ability to handle stress and lead a long and productive life. Many of the factors that affect health are determined by our own choices and others are structural or environmental.
In addition to physical well-being, mental health can include spiritual and emotional well-being. Being emotionally balanced, accepting of oneself, finding purpose in life, and believing one is in control of one’s life are all important aspects of mental health. Similarly, social well-being can be a reflection of one’s social support network.
However, this definition of health is overly-optimistic. Very few people experience complete well-being all of the time. In addition, it fails to account for the growing number of people with disabilities and chronic illness. In addition, it contributes to an over-medicalization of society. We need to define health in ways that make it possible for us to live healthier, longer lives.
The WHO defines health as a continuous and dynamic process that involves physical, emotional, and social well-being. This definition emphasizes the dynamic connection between health and participation in society.
It is a resource to support an individual’s function in wider society
Health is a state of well-being that supports a person’s physical, mental, and social functioning. It can be enhanced by promoting healthful activities, reducing harmful ones, and avoiding unhealthy ones. Some factors, such as diet, lifestyle, and genetics, affect health. In addition, structural and social factors can contribute to the detriment of health.
The Ottawa charter outlines health as a resource to support an individual’s everyday life and his or her participation in society. In addition to promoting physical health, the charter identifies health as a fundamental human right that facilitates participation in the community.